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#Idioms from your language that made it to English: “Not my circus, not my monkey.”

Meaning: Not my problem A perennial favourite among learners of Polish, this phrase reached an even wider audience after appearing in the Netflix series Orange Is the New Black.


Not my language, *but*: The very common English expression "Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater" comes from German (*das Kind mit dem Bade ausschütten*).
Long time, no see from Mandarin
I googled to find a proper Dutch expression. Turns out there are hundreds of [Dutch words in the English language](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_English_words_of_Dutch_origin) One of my favorites, because of the sound: knickerbocker
It’s “not my circus, not my monkeys “
Since my language is English.. am I still allowed to play? One of my favorities is "I bet you dollars to donuts." No longer makes sense, but I still use it.
Swedish idioms 🇸🇪 Suspect there’s owls in the bog- meaning: suspect that something is wrong There’s going to be other buns- meaning: there’s going to be harsher rules or punishments Bear the dogs head- meaning: take the blame for something you didn’t do Put on a charcoal- meaning: hurry up
Pretty sure that has been around for longer than Orange is the New Black. Also, there is an expanded version making its way around: >It's not my monkeys, not my circus. But I do recognize some of the clowns. Indicating that it isn't your problem, but you do recognize the trouble makers.
There's a Spanish saying I love dime con quién estás y te diré quien eres tell me who you're with and I'll tell you who you are. There's another Spanish saying viví tu vida y no te metas en la mia that isn't really common but the sentiment is Live your life and don't meddle in mine. Another one I like Ponte las pilas Literally point the batteries but it means get your shit together.
Well, I don't know any borrowed idioms but, I would like to share some Caribbean ones. They may have British origin but my non-Caribbean friends like them and use them. He is God rest the dead - He's super laid back. Monkey knows which tree to jump on - people know what they can get away with and with whom. She has it back, belly and side. - meaning she's overwhelmed or is getting problems from everywhere. For the birds - meaning useless. (She/he) Nuh easy - used to describe someone who is not easy to fool, difficult to deal with or, hard to please. Cool thread! Upvotes on mine are most welcome. 🤗
I was really surprised when I found out “long time no see” comes from Chinese 好久不见
I have a variation on the monkeys-circus idiom. It's similar in meaning to SNAFU or "same s@$t, different day", which is: "different monkeys, same circus" Life is messy no matter where you go. There's always someone around making life more difficult and we're all monkeys in one giant circus. 
And another one:) Polish has the expression „Nie skrzywdziłby nawet muchy”, and EXACTLY the same in English: **he wouldn’t hurt a fly**, although I’m not sure which language borrowed from which?..:)
I have heard this phrase my entire life, but I grew up in a heavy Polish area. I’m just now realizing that I’ve never really heard it said before by someone outside of that haha
From Irish: “Níl Aon Tinteán Mar Do Thinteán Féin” - there’s no fireplace like your own fireplace, ie there’s no place like home
Another idiom I found IDENTICAL between Polish and English, is: **”don’t (or never) look a gift horse in the mouth”** (=Polish: darowanemu koniowi w zęby się nie zagląda). Meaning: don’t find fault with something that has been received as a gift or favor.
Just curious, why is this a favorite among Polish learners?
It’s “not my monkeys, not my circus.”