How to improve my English?
I'm 19 years old and since I was born a few weeks early I'm missing my left ear. This influenced my learning of my native language (Italian) since I can't distinguish sounds well and I also have some slight mental retardation... So if I find my language difficult and when I find some new word I can't get it into my head, imagine with English.
I consider myself quite good at reading and writing English but when I have to listen to someone in English I can't understand anything and when I have to speak English I can't make certain sounds with my tongue etc and I completely mispronounce every word even though I'm always corrected..
I watch movies in English but without subtitles I can't understand.
I'm very jealous of people with English spawning in their heads fr and I've always been quite bullied for the fact that I can't speak Italian and English well.