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What Does "groundings" Mean Here?

What Does "groundings" Mean Here?

Thanks in advance!


Times the airliner was grounded. Here's the Wikipedia page those words link to when you click on them: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_737_MAX_groundings
I believe that is when the FAA orders that the planes can't be flown because of safety concerns. They weren't flying, they were grounded.
It is an odd usage, but it's related to the term "grounded". Planes that are grounded are not allowed to fly, That can apply to individual planes (probably because of a mechanical issue) or all the planes of a type (usually between a crash of a plane that type, and the outcome of the investigation). Teenagers are often also grounded, as a punishment. In this case it means they aren't allowed to go out to socialize with their friends. Figuratively they aren't allowed to fly.
It’s an aviation-specific term referring to an airline or aircraft fleet that is temporarily (or permanently) not allowed to fly — literally, they must *stay on the ground*. They are “grounded.” This is generally done when there is an accident or if a specific airplane model has some issues. They will ground the entire fleet or line of aircraft for safety purposes until they can determine what caused the accident — because there is a chance that it could be a defect that is present in all airplanes of that type. Pilots can also be “grounded,” and it means the same thing: a specific pilot is not allowed to fly for a set period of time, or permanently. Usually for medical or disciplinary reasons.
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