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How to interpret the phrase “make peace with God”??🤯🤯

I am working on a dissertation on studying the English subtitle translation of a Chinese documentary. The story is about a man who felt that his brother’s case was unfairly judged, so he kept appealing to the court. However, the court ultimately rejected his claims. He had already spent too much time and energy on this matter. After the court’s decision, his close friend advised him to let it go and stop obsessing over it. This phrase appears in English subtitles


It means repenting and getting right with God, though it isn't always a literal religious expression. For example if someone thinks they did something to anger their boss at work and asks a friend for help the friend might jokingly advise to "make your peace with god."
If the man is not at all religious, then the closest thing would be coming to terms with what has happened. Accepting reality. Acknowledging the facts as they are.
it implies preparing to die.  most Christian sects believe in an afterlife in which God will judge you for actions on earth.  I only know Catholicism personally, so can't speak for others, but Catholics call it dying in a "state of grace", ie without any sins on your conscience.  this is supposed to expedite your admission to heaven.  in Catholic faith, sins are formally confessed to a priest, who then instructs you to speak an "act of contrition".  after that the priest gives you an appropriate penance: something you must do to complete the process and be absolved.    sorry for so much Catholicspeak.  I don't want to be wrong about another form of Christianity.  
I've only heard it in the context of someone preparing to die and accepting that it will happen soon.