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What do you guys think of my accent? Competent enough?

Non-native speaker of english here wanting to improve, any tips is welcomed and thanks in advance. And can you guess where I am from based on my accent alone? [Voice Clip](https://vocaroo.com/116LPLZrWns2)


I had to really pay attention to understand what you were saying. I think that's because I'm American and your accent is a mix of British and your native language. I sometimes have to listen more intently to native English speakers from England.
Maybe try to speak a bit slower.
Very interesting accent :) Really can't guess where you're from. I agree with the other comments, as a Brit, I did struggle to follow and had to relisten quite a few times. I still cant understand anything you said between 19s and 26s. I would slow down first of all and really work on flow and vowel sounds. Your "better" (in which you didn't pronounce the 't's) was suuuper English but also didn't quite go with the rest of your accent. If you want a specific accent try and imitate all the sounds of that accent :)