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What are the differences between "Live", "Dwell" and "Reside"?



Dwell and reside are more formal and you tend to see them used in things like legal documents. Live is more colloquial and people would use it in daily speech over reside and dwell.
They're all the same. But to add to the other comments: Live: everyday speech, used 99% of the time. Dwell: more formal. Used in books, more poetic. You might see a 'dwelling' used to talk about a character's home. Reside: When writing legal documents. A 'residence' is a formal word for someone's home.
for the everyday meaning of the place where you keep your stuff and lead most of your life, i'll die on the hill that the only difference is one of pretentiousness. for the figurative usages, there are some legitimate distinctions though. 'to live' in the sense of "to not be dead': only applies to that word. doesn't apply to dwell or reside. 'dwell' in the sense of thinking or talking excessively about a specific thing. "we talked briefly about his polka-dot underwear problem, but we didn't dwell on it." 'reside' in the sense of a quality or attribute being encapsulated in something else. this is really hard to explain though. "her charm resides in the genuine interest she takes in other people." or "authority on this question resides with the state, not the church". you can replace this one with 'live' but you can't replace it with 'dwell' imo.