Me and my dad had an argument about the word "ought"
We were talking about college stuff, and eventually i said "i ought so"
Is that correct? Or is it only with "to" instead of "so"?
No, not correct.
"I ought to" is fine.
"I ought so" is wrong.
Ought to; never ought so.
"I ought to" is normal usage.
"I ought" is [a bit old-fashioned](,+oughtn%27t+i%22&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiyy5Dox-mKAxUbIjQIHagVFnYQ6AF6BAgJEAI#v=onepage&q=%22I%20ought%2C%20oughtn't%20i%22&f=false).
"I ought so" is wrong.
"So" is an adverb that, in this usage, must modify a main verb. Since there is no main verb in "I ought so", it doesn't work.
It is true that *ought* can take a bare infinitive ("You oughtn't cry so!"), though this tends to be old-fashioned. But either way, if the main verb is clipped, *so* doesn't work. You wouldn't say "I ought to so" either.
"ought" and "ought to" both just mean "should," although "ought to" is much more common and less archaic.
"so" here is a context-specific filler adverb that just means "in a particular way".
"I ought so" isn't a coherent sentence, neither is "I ought to so". But, "I ought to *be* so" and even "I ought be so" are technically correct, and just mean "I should be a particular way"
As u/SagebrushandSeafoam says, you don't have to use 'be' as your verb, either. "You oughtn't cry so" just means "you should not cry in this way", and here 'cry' is the verb.
"Ought *to*" is another way of saying "should."
I ought to clean out my car. I should clean out my car.
I ought to call her. I should call her.
[Example of ought to being used ](
I wonder if you were thinking of "thought so." Which is an easy mistake, but no.
ought to is should.
I ought to use the stairs
I should use the stairs
There's also oughta as a shortening to ought to. Sounds like otta. Or someone from Boston saying Otter.
I oughta use the stairs.
I ought to do so would be acceptable
I ought to do so.
I ought to.
But I've never heard "I ought so".
Oh, and since this is an English learning sub, it's "My friends and I", since it's the subject of the sentence.
If we are worrying about "ought to" versus "ought so," let's address "me and my dad". My dad and I were…