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Judge My English Accent (also, why do I keep getting these results? What about my pronunciation gives the impression? I am not a native speaker of any listed language)

Judge My English Accent (also, why do I keep getting these results? What about my pronunciation gives the impression? I am not a native speaker of any listed language)



You sound mostly American when you’re reading, but your laugh has a foreign touch, and the way you say "WTF" when you’re surprised has a slightly accented feel. As for the app, I don’t think it’s too focused on your pronunciation. You can mispronounce words, but it primarily looks at your intonation pattern. That said, it can sometimes misinterpret aspects of your accent. I wouldn't take the result too seriously, but your accent is clear and predominantly American.
Your accent is pretty good, but I'm hearing some disfluencies that I think the app is picking up on. Here's a list, by sample. 1. In the very first sentence, you swallow the initial "th" sound in "the", the word "stunning" sounds like "sunning", and you pronounce "with" closer to "wiv". Also, you rise in pitch at the end of the sentence, making it sound like a question to my ear. (Note, the rising pitch is common in certain dialects, so this isn't really an error, just something that stood out to me). 2. I think it was an audio glitch, but in the second sample, I don't hear the words "the small fl..." at all. Also, "little" comes out as "lil". There is something a bit off about the timing as well, but it's pretty minor, and most likely just because you're reading. 3. Sounds pretty good (but I can see the app having trouble with the replacement of "tea" with "coffee"). 4. Fourth sample is good. I do notice though that you hesitated on "thankful", which might suggest you're not comfortable with that "th" sound. (But it might be nothing as well) 5. Sounds fine, though you're laughing a bit, which might bias the analysis. 6. Sounds perfect, no notes. 7. All good, but you pronounce "cosmos" sort of between what I would expect from an American and British speaker. (i.e. I expect an American would think you sound British, and a Brit would think you sound American) As it happens, I train machine learning models for a living (not on speech, but the principles are the same), so I have some insight into why it is picking languages that you do not speak. Obviously, I don't have any direct knowledge of this particular app, but my guess is that it doesn't have enough training data for whatever your actual first language is. A pretty decent proportion of ESL speakers are coming from Chinese, Spanish, and Brazilian Portuguese (as well as English itself), so when they're training the model to distinguish, the model will score better if it guesses those when it doesn't know. This is something we refer to as having imbalanced training data. My first guess was actually going to be an Asian language, probably Chinese, just based on the first sample. I changed my mind as I continued listening, as your pronunciation got a lot better as you progressed through the samples. Regardless, your accent is close enough to native to sound like a lot like someone from an immigrant community that actually grew up in the US (or Canada).
You actually sound like an American who isn't a very good reader, or perhaps a bit drunk. There's something "off" with your intonation.