what's he saying [***here***](https://youtu.be/4bT5G-U0XEs?si=wlC85Fe7m8GQQ9CG&t=1844)***?*** I hear something like consultant without a final t, like consult**ə**ng.
Could be either one.
My first guess would be “consultant” with a glottalized or unreleased final /t/, but it’s not uncommon to reduce “-ing” endings to “-in’.”
Which you can also confirm by searching for the YouTuber's name and [consulting.com](http://consulting.com) and see news stories.
"He owned a company called consulting.com"
In his accent, "\~ing" is often shortened to "\~in" if it's not a stressed syllable. So, for example, "wing" would still have a full "ing" since the syllable is stressed.
A lot of accents in English do this to some degree (like American 'how's it goin'?'), but some are more consistent with it than others.