"Ben and Jerry's" is the name of a brand of very nice ice cream. "Emergency \_\_\_\_ runs" is a phrase used to say "suddenly had to leave home to get \_\_\_\_ "
Given the context, they are saying that someone will be sad and need ice cream suddenly if they have no confidence in certain parts of their relationships.
A "run" here means a "run to the store to buy something". You'll often see in the context of a "beer run\*". Here it refers to late night trips to the store to buy Ben and Jerry's, a brand of ice cream.
\* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxGbwiV4Mo8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxGbwiV4Mo8)
Going to the store to get Ben and Jerry's (an ice cream brand). A trip out of the house to get something is sometimes called a "run" (eg "Hey I'm making a Taco Bell run do you want anything?")
I have no idea what that has to do with confidence in intimacy though. Even if it's related to the breakup who breaks up with someone at three in the morning lol
Going to get Ben and Jerry's ice cream, which is a popular brand in the US
Making a run (going out of the house for something) for Ben & Jerry’s (a particular brand of ice cream)
derived from definition 2 here https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/run#Noun
A "run" in this sense is a quick trip, not necessarily on foot, for a single purpose
Ben and Jerry's is a popular US ice cream brand known for their charismatic, complex but comforting flavors
"Ben and Jerry's" is an ice cream brand, so "Ben and Jerry's runs" means time efficient trips to get some Ben and Jerry's ice cream.
Ben and Jerry’s is a brand of ice cream. Going on a “Ben and Jerry’s run” would be going to the store specifically to get ice cream (as comfort food after a breakup).
You’ll sometimes hear “run” used to describe going to the store to get something specific (no actual running necessary).
Perhaps the most common I’ve heard is a “beer run.” There’s a fun song called “Beer Run” if you want to look it up.
“We ran out of Budweiser, so Alan’s on a beer run.”
Another example might be, “I’m going on a diaper run, do you need anything while I’m out?”
By itself, it could instead mean that you ate too much ice cream and got diarrhea from the lactose. "I got the runs" means your intestines are temporarily messed up. In this case, the previous context clarifies that it means "running" to the store rather than running to the bathroom.
By the way, if that came from some self-help author, don't take any advice in the text seriously. Anyone who calls the poor "fucking losers" has no idea what's worth valuing, and has far more need to receive advice than give it. Such a person would rather have a Rolex than be a good man.