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What specific activity helps you unwind after a long and stressful day?? Drinking a sip of wine with a piece of cheese and macadamia nut makes me unwind after a long and stressful days. Sip of red wine matches perfectly with a nutty taste macadamia nuts. I guarantee!!


often i like to cook something. it just draws a line separating 'now' from 'the rest of today' and it settles me.
"~~Drinking~~ a sip of wine with a piece of cheese and **some** macadamia nut**s** ~~makes~~ **helps** me unwind after a long and stressful day~~s~~. ~~Sip of~~ red wine matches perfectly with ~~a~~ **the** nutty taste macadamia nuts\~\~.\~\~**,** I guarantee **it**!!" I cut the "drinking" but I think it's marginal. Sips is also another verb for drinking so having those two close together tripped me up. How you had it is correct, it just tripped me up as a native speaker. Macadamia nuts needed a quantity. "Makes" is too forceful. It sounds like you are being relaxed despite your best efforts. You originally had "a long and stressful days". You started off with the singular and ended on a plural. I liked the singular better. "A sip of" would have been correct but you can do without the quantity here. It doesn't matter how much red wine you're having, it will pair well with macadamia nuts. "The" instead of "a", as macadamia nuts only have one taste. "I guarantee" needed a subject. "You have my guarantee" is vernacular english, or at least it was 50 years ago. e: as a general note, only use one punctuation mark. No "??" and "!!". Doubling up reads like you're more inquisitive or excited than is socially acceptable. In informal writing with friends these rules don't hold.
Drinking a ~~sip~~ **glass** of wine with ~~a piece~~**some** ~~of~~ cheese and macadamia nut**s** ~~makes~~**helps** me unwind after a long ~~and~~\*\*~~,~~\*\* stressful day~~s~~. ~~Sip of~~ **R**ed wine **perfectly** matches ~~perfectly~~ ~~with a~~ **the** nutty taste **of** macadamia nuts. ~~I guarantee!!~~