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What are the meanings of “Hot”?

Hello everyone. I have a question about the adjective Hot”. So, I know that it can be used for food and temperature. Sometimes on the Internet I see that it can be use to describe a person. I always thought that “hot” was used like “beautiful”, “charming” and “very Pretty” but doing some research I discovered that it can be used like a “Sexy”synonymous. Is there a real definition? also what is the difference between “hot” and “pretty”? Thank you!


It can be used to say many things: Food: That it is spicy or just the actual temperature. Examples: The food was too hot, my spice tolerance wasn’t made for that | The food was too hot to eat, so I waited for it to cool down. Conflict: That there are lots of enemies in an area. Example: That areas hot right now so be careful out there. Discourse: That the topic is very popular to talk about. Example: Everyone knows that the U.S. election is a pretty hot topic, so today we’ll talk about it on my channel. Physical traits: That someone is very good looking, generally more focused on sexual desirability. Example: She’s super hot, I’d be lucky to even get within 5 feet of her. Pretty is generally less about sexual desire and more about just pleasant physical features, which is why it is different from hot. Someone can be pretty without being hot. I’m not sure if there is an official definition of hot in the way you’re asking about, this is just what I’ve noticed as a native speaker.
Hot is also an informal way to describe the infamy of a stolen object. Where that infamy will lead people to not want to handle the object for fear of the consequences. (As if it were physically hot.) "They could not fence the stolen art, it was too hot"
Things you can describe as **hot**: * Food (temperature) * Food (spice / Scoville rating) * Objects (temperature) * Days / weather / climate / seasons (temperature) * zones / areas (military: live with enemies) * topics / issues (relevant, current, commonly spoken about, controversial) * people (sexually attractive) * yourself (temperature) * actions (sexually exciting) Things you can describe as **pretty**: * scenery * places * people * animals * designs / artwork Things you should never describe as **hot**: * relatives (unless your culture endorses cousin marriage, which almost no Anglophone group does) * animals (unless... well, you know...)
describing someone as "hot" has a very strong sexual connotation unlike "pretty" or "beautiful" which are much more neutral. it's common to call your family member for example handsome/pretty/beautiful/etc but if you call them hot then that would be very weird. also be careful when it comes to children bcuz calling a little boy handsome or a little girl pretty can be a charming compliment and it's quite common to hear such things but do NOT call them hot whatever you do.
A hot day -it is hot out A hot woman - a sexy woman A hot item - a popular item A hot topic - a currently popular topic A hot plate - a little electric stove A hotshot - someone who takes too many risks A hot line - a number to call for a specific reason like information about a crime Hotter than hell - an expression In the early 2000s, "hot" could also mean cool or stylish but that's a bit dated now. Sometimes "on fire" can also mean that something is really getting popular or is doing really well. "That runner is on fire" means the runner is doing better than everyone else. You might also hear "hotter" and "colder" if someone is making you guess something. When you get closer to the right answer, I might say "You're getting hotter!"
When describing a person, people will always take "hot" as meaning "sexy". The focus isn't really on natural beauty necessarily - a conventionally unattractive person can have qualities or certain mannerisms that make them hot.
"Hot" when used to describe a person always means "sexy". Don't use it unless you mean "sexy".
Hot = sexy. These are referring to sexual attractiveness. These are different from ‘pretty’ which doesn’t have a sexual connotation. You can tell your sister that she’s pretty, but if you tell your sister that she’s sexy then people will think you’re very weird. You can also describe basically anything as pretty — a flower, a colour, a dress, a landscape, etc. But again, if you say ‘that flower is sexy’ people will think that’s odd.
Hot means very good looking with a sexual connotation. Sexy means basically the same thing. You might call your daughter pretty, you would not call her hot (unless you are Donald Trump)