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What do you think about this alternatives to "shit"?

What do you think about this alternatives to "shit"?

https://preview.redd.it/9rn9hd27xjfe1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=87f64f2990b318642ffe36d05d92cc271b71493c https://preview.redd.it/ajbo6im9xjfe1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d8b39c1b82f8a6006a8ffaf2d807443e488b253 For context: I was racing with someone online and that person crashed their car on me and they apologized and I wanted to that it's ok.


GPT is not a reliable source for learning grammar and often just makes things up. Some of the suggestions here are sketchy, like I'd personally never say "mess happens." However, "stuff happens" is something I would say. 
The first two make sense. “crap” could still be seen as inappropriate depending on the context. “mess” doesn’t make sense at all.
Things and stuff are neutral. Mess and crap are negative.
I would never say nor do I think I’ve ever heard “Mess happens”. That doesn’t really make sense to me. The others sound fine, though it’s important to be aware of tone. “Crap” a mildly impolite term. You wouldn’t necessarily want to use it at a job interview or similar formal setting around people you don’t know, but it’s not usually considered a swear.
Stop using chat gpt for translation help.
Common: **stuff, things** Uncommon but would be understood: **crap** Would be confusing: **mess**
You could start with something like: No worries Don't worry about it It's ok Don't sweat it. Any of those would work and sound natural. Then finish with "these things happen." Or "things happen." "stuff happens." "accidents happen." Edited to add: I hope you don't mind some constructive criticism by pointing out a couple of things in your post. >For context: I was racing with someone online and that person crashed their car on me and they apologized and I wanted to that it's ok. Instead of "crashed their car on me," it would sound more natural as "into me." Then "I wanted to that it's ok" is missing a word or two. "I wanted to tell them that it's ok" or "I wanted to let them know that it's ok" or "I wanted to assure them that it's ok" or "I wanted to say that it's ok." At of those would work.
Some people like to say ‘life happens’ as a ‘clean’ alternative. In this context, you could say something like: “No biggie” “No worries” “Don’t worry about it.”
So “shit” literally means poop, but it is commonly used to refer to stuff or things in general like the phrase “get your shit and get out” is referring to your belongings So “Stuff happens” and “things happen” are very natural sounding. They’re not vulgar in any way. They’re not related to poop because the phrase is translating the meaning of the sentence. Crap happens is ok, but it sounds like a 12 year old who really wants to curse but can’t. It’s better to either fully commit to the curse or use the non vulgar versions. Mess happens is complete nonsense. Mess can refer to poop or vomit in British English. But it doesn’t make sense in this context because you’re not talking about literal shit.
I was at a funeral a week ago where the priest said, "Stuff happens."
Stuff happens. That’s the normal way to say it. Things happen, sure. It’s a very mild thing to say yet it can imply a more serious problem, so it changes the meaning a bit. Crap is universally interchangeable with shit; it means the same thing. But if you want to avoid swearing, crap is still considered a mild swear word. So, nobody says ”crap happens” or “poop happens” or anything like that. If you mean shit, you may as well say shit. And if you don’t want to say shit, say stuff. Unless you’re talking about actual poop, in which case the word poop is a very useful way to discuss poop while keeping your language family-friendly. Nobody says mess happens. They say it’s a mess.