Cumbersome as a noun ? Alternative ?
French native speaker, I'm taking English course at University and we learn everyweek a lot of vocabulary. Sometimes it's basic so I always try to search a bit more on some term or theme I like. This week, we had cumbersome in our list, and the french translation is "encombrant".
I have no problem with that but in french, this adjective can kinda be a plural nouns too: "les encombrants" and then it means bulky or really big and cumbersome furniture (waste) that need special service to be taken away. I asked my professor if English had any equivalent / noun but he was unsure (he is also a french native speaker).
So any word for that specifically ? Even if it's slang ? If not, how do you call it ?
TLDR : Do you have a word for big / cumbersome item wich, because of their volume, are not collected by usual watse service ? Can 'cumbersome' be a noun ?