Is there a name for the period between midnight and six in the morning, preferably before sunrise (madrugada)?
I'm trying to translate into English the lyrics of a song in Brazilian Portuguese that contains the terms "alvorecer" (dawn) and "madrugada". The latter, although it can also be translated as "dawn", has a different nuance that, from what i've seen, doesn't seem to be expressed in "dawn", and i wouldn't like both to be translated as the same word. "Alvorecer" refers more to the moment when the sun begins to rise, which seems to coincide with "dawn". "Madrugada" carries a connotation more related to the period when it's still dark after midnight, and is often used to refer to when people stay up late around that time, and i don't know if there's a term that poetically fits to translate this word. Obviously i don't want something extremely descriptive like "between midnight and six in the morning", it would be good if it was something like "dawn", but if it doesn't exist, i'll accept the best you can get. I'd like to point out that i'm accepting if there's some formal term not widely used in everyday life that works, especially because the song originally uses some exotic words in our language.
The lyrics:
"...Esperando o **alvorecer** de novo (Waiting for the dawn again)
Esperando o anoitecer pra ver (Waiting for the dusk to see)
A clareza da oitava estrela (The clarity of the eighth star)
Esperando a **madrugada** vir (Waiting for the \* to come)
E eu nĂŁo posso com a mĂŁo rete-la (And i cannot hold it with my hand)..."