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Thats my learning method base.

Thats my learning method base.



In my case it was GTA SA. Man that was some good stuff.
I mean, do you know those people from your class that were iconically bad at english and didn't really improve no matter how much they sat down to study? That's a lack of the mentioned immersion.
the English from class allows you to learn English from all other media
It's usually the case that it is much easier to learn when we want to, and nearly impossible when we don't.
I genuinely think this is the best way to learn a language. Learn it through something that brings you joy, you'll be so much more motivated that way, and way less likely to hit that burn out plateau that comes with intensive academic study
I narrate [free stories on YouTube](https://youtu.be/XXhkFsd4pK0?si=ckbfjBBos0GgXtU0) if you would like to check it out! Itā€™s great because it has the words there to follow along as you are listening
The school only taught us what we call animals in English :D
Nah, my school contributed a solid base to my learning
haha, True. I learned mostly from Penguins of Madagascar and Top Gear.
I learned Spanish by watching telenovelas. There's a story to keep you engaged and watching more, visuals to give context to what they are saying, different characters talk about the same things enough times that you get vocabulary repeated but a variety of verb conjugations, and the phrases they use are more natural and real-world than textbooks or language-training videos usually have. Every day, I would listen for some words I didn't know, write them down, and look them up. After I understood most of the common words and grammar, I started looking up the idioms they used and the more specialized, less-used vocabulary.
I know this is meant as silly, and by all means learn in ways that are engaging to you, but just be aware that video games, movies, etc can have characters who speak in bizarre ways. I see this reminder a lot when people say theyā€™re learning Japanese through anime šŸ˜‰
I come to believe that the focus on English education (in countries where English is a second language) should not be on teaching the language, but instead introducing the language in different contexts and cultures. I am a huge fan of bringing pragmatics into school, which is basically about understanding how to use the language in different contexts and cultures to effectively communicate. What does politeness look like? What polite phrases are common in the UK cs the US? What strategies can you use to form different types of requests, and how do you apologize? And how can you write a formal e-mail? I think this is a much better focus than just plain grammar teaching (although this also has its place of course!) and glossary tests.
Memes werenā€™t huge yet when I was little but video games were and I made sure everyone who said ā€œyou canā€™t learn anything from video gamesā€ knew that I learned words that were actually interesting from them rather than shit like ; Mountain, Tiles, and Friendshipā€¦ I definitely didnā€™t accidentally type mountain mountian on my first try and I definitely donā€™t need to go back to third gradeā€¦
English is pretty much the language of the internet, I find more info about stuff on english than in my native tongue
ā€œUnto thy death, thou shall experience life evermore.ā€ I didnā€™t learn that in school.
I literally learnt English from watching a British Minecraft youtuber
In high school what I did in all the English classes was learning Eminemā€™s rap and memorizing the lyricsā€¦ Tbh I think my English did improve lol
English I taught the teacher:
That sounds logical.
Yeah, but the small book is a manual.
I had English classes since kindergarten, and nothing ever truly clicked until I got an Xbox at 8 years old and started playing with English speakers. Seeing them interact with the game world and amongst themselves was the only thing that ever helped me. Kinda learned the way a baby learns their native language, in a sense. Now I have 2 languages mixed up in my head, and it's both a privilege and a pain in the ass.
What about songs?
It's the curse words that were missing, specially if playing LOL...
Exatamente como eu aprendo portuguĆŖs e espanhol
The accuracy!
This is an actual thing Iā€™m learning about, hoping to TEACH English. Thereā€™s SO little time in the classroom for instruction that a MAJOR part of your learning, and ultimately your acquisition for the language, SHOULD be outside the classroom I canā€™t remember his name, but he was a professor of both Latin and Greek, and one day decided to learn German. He moved to Hamburg, locked himself in his room for days, memorized thousands of words, read countless books on grammar, yet couldnā€™t even understand patrons at a local pub Practice. As much as you can. Try and use the real world applications of your abilities
I learned the proper pronunciation of "rapport" from Ozzy Osbourne's Mr Crowley
Fanfics are GOAT for learning any foreign language fr. The vernacular. Yeah, sometimes I speak like a blue-collar teen, but I never sound like a character from a theater play about zombies.
Isn't that how u are supposed to learn a language? The school will only teach you just enough to make u able to learn the language on ur own from future interactions
Thatā€™s how Iā€™d gotten fluent in Russian back then and getting fluent in English now. Still have no clue about Russian grammar but I can speak, write and read pretty easily.
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II without proper translation to my language taught me through infinitely long dialogues with old grandma Kreya. I couldnā€™t describe basic furniture in my room, but I knew that ā€œto truly believe in an ideal is to be willing to betray itā€. Strangely enough, it has helped me in life a lot more.
That's just a list of irregular verbs there
Music is easiest imo. Thatā€™s why I know some French quicker than I learned Spanish.
Seriously though, I remember learning how to read from playing The Legend of Zelda.
Honestly? I recommend it. from this subreddit alone ive seen that ā€˜testsā€™ and ā€˜schoolsā€™ suck at teaching english.. just as much as the other way around
ŠŠ±ŃŠ¾Š»ŃŽŃ‚Š½Š¾Šµ ŠæрŠ°Š²Š“Š° holy cow it's right!
Bare seek seek lest
Same. That's me
not really my case. I learned over half (almost all of grammar, 40-50% of vocab, 10-20% of conversational skill) from school, but I memorized what I learned in school because of all these entertainment media.
I learned English from watching English Minecraft YouTubers.
itā€™s because if u play or watch stuff ur actually acquiring english like babies, studying is GENERALLY useless if you wanna know a new language
called immersion
I was bad at school in terms of English. But then COVID hit, and I downloaded TikTok where I found a lot of American content. This is when I became interested in learning the language by myself, primarily by downloading copies of "Grammar in Use" books and watching a lot of English videos, and now I'm at the C1 level.
Bang on!
its my meta