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Is there something you say to an envious person? In Italian we have a specific saying for it "Envy is a nasty beast". Does English have anything like that?



I saw in your other thread a discussion on jealousy vs envy, and it’s worth noting that the average English speaker uses them more or less interchangeably. For example, some exchanges between my friends and I in our group chat: >Me: Man it’s 44 degrees here and it’s f*cking beautiful > >Friend: Jealous >Friend: Cool weather, the sun is shining. Sitting on the back deck and all you hear is the rustling of the leaves as the wind lightly blows through > >Me: Beyond jealous There are technical distinctions, but they’re pretty irrelevant to common, casual use. So jealousy related phrases should do fine.
One more tame option is “Green isn’t your color.” A reference to the phrase “green with envy.”
In English, jealousy is sometimes called a "green-eyed monster," from a Shakespeare quote, and people are sometimes said to be "green with envy." However, that's more something that would be said about the feeling or about someone who has it, rather than necessarily to them. (Of possible note: English has some [contentious differentiation](https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/jealous-vs-envious) between "envy" and "jealousy.")
Jealousy is called the green-eyed monster A person gets green with envy
Jealousy is a cruel mistress.
I just want to say that as a native speaker I've never heard of a lot of these phrases people are commenting, or at least wouldn't hear them in casual conversation. In my opinion Matsunosuperfan has the best examples that are actually very common
"Jealousy is a disease, get well soon."
Money doesn't buy happiness Good for them We always want what we can't have Be careful what you wish for Count your blessings Congratulations
I’m American. We use jealous more than envious. You’ll hear people saying, “you Jelly” which is saying you’re jealous. Mostly white young women say “jelly”. My kids and friends say it in sarcasm cuz they think it’s funny and it mocks a certain class of person here. I’m old, I say, “be careful, your eyes are turning green!” It’s like telling someone they’re showing the “green eyed monster” of jealousy. The irony that I have green eyes isn’t lost on me.
“Hate the game, not the player”, “Life ain’t fair”, and “womp womp” exist, although those more apply to things that are unfair, not necessarily someone being jealous. I think I’ve read “Jealousy is a cruel mistress” in a book, too. There’s also a term called “keeping up with the Joneses” that’s sometimes referenced when someone is living a lifestyle they cannot afford, i.e. buying expensive cars and a nice house with credit card debt and exorbitant loans, although that’s a much more specific variation of greed.
In American, we call it the green-eyed beast. Do not mix it up with the "one-eyed brown monster". Huge difference.
If you are speaking directly to the envious person you can say, "Eat your heart out" or "Jealousy's a curse".
On a side note we don't really refer to people as jealous or envious anymore, US. Envy and jealousy have become very common place and are inferred as competitive, or aggressive, or rock star behavior. Psychologically it is a disease and I steer clear of people like this
In a similar vein: "comparison is the thief of joy"
Jealousy is an ugly colour on you is a similar expression, it's not very common anymore though, in my experience
don't let envy eat you up big boy? I guess?
Don't be a hater.
\-they hate us cause they ain't us \-don't try to dim my shine \-I'm living in your head rent-free (implying they are so envious that they think about you all the time) \-if I was you, I'd want to be me, too (someone made a song out of this one but I forget who)