When I digest the sentence, I do understand why B. could be the right answer. But at first glance none of them look like they work because of the sentence.
A, b, and e all work grammatically. But none of the options make for a totally clear statement. It's a very poorly written, awkward sentence to use for a test question.
With "regret", you'd usually use did or didn't. It's not something you "try" to do. You either feel regret or you don't. So using "couldn't" here feels awkward with regret.
And prove makes more sense with "couldn't" but then the rest of the sentence feels awkward cause with "prove" you wouldn't usually say "the fact". Cause if it's a fact then there's nothing to prove or disprove. You'd just say "She couldn't prove that her decisions had hurt so many people." And it's the same for "confirm". If it's a fact, then there's nothing to confirm or deny. By calling it a fact you're saying it's true.
So either they should change "couldn't" to "didn't" in which case "regret" works best. Or remove "the fact" in which case "prove" or "confirm" both work.
But as written none of them really make complete sense.
About She and Her being different, I would agree for A and E but not B
A makes the most sense. "She couldn't confirm that... [she] hurt so many people" is how I read it.
B makes little sense grammatically. She wouldn't regret or didn't regret makes a lot more sense. There's a world where you might say couldn't regret in this way, but it would be a really weird use case.
C and D make no sense either grammatically or intuitively. You can't be or opt whether you hurt people. E can sorta make sense, but it feels really off in this context. I would never use it.
I'm going to be completely different and say "beg." Regret just doesn't sound right. She is capable of regret, she just doesn't. Confirm or prove sound good to me, but if it's a fact, then it's already confirmed or proven (probably). And if either is right, they both are.
But beg can also mean "to take for granted without basis or justification:
a statement that begs the very point we're disputing.
to fail or refuse to come to grips with; avoid; evade:
a report that consistently begs the whole problem." She couldn't take for granted the fact that her decision hurt others. Or she couldn't avoid the fact that her decision hurt others.
But ultimately, I can't beg the fact that it's a terrible question. I'm dying to know what the person who wrote the test thought was the correct answer.
I think A makes the most sense of any of the answers if she and her are the same person, and it also works if she and her are different people. E also works if she and her are different people. B just doesn't make sense to me at all.
Thank y'all for your answers, I also think the question is not well written, there were students who went with A) too.
If itâs a âfactâ then logically it has already been confirmed and proven, so A and E are out. B is the only one that works here. Other words that would work here include âescape,â âaccept,â âdeny,â etc. but a sentence like this, out of context, is always going to sound odd.
Regret would work fine with "didn't", but with "couldn't" it sounds really off.
A works too.
It's worded so weirdly
Doesn't look like a sentence a real person would say
When you say "her" that means the person has been mentioned before so it most likely is referring to the she in the beginning of the question
A and E are the most suitable answers.
the first word that came to my mind was "deny"
She couldn't face the fact.. would be the best answer
I think b is actually a weird choice, it doesnât flow naturally in a sentence. E is definitely the better option
Itâs a terribly written question, and none of the answers make any real sense.
A makes most sense to me
Thatâs a weird question, I wouldâve chosen (e) as well. Choice (a) is also grammatically correct and makes more sense than choice (b) IMO.
F) hide
For me, none of the answers sound good. A more fitting answer would have been 'accept', or a synonym.
If that was created by a "teacher", then they're wrong. If it is an official learning resource, then it's just a terrible question. I know a lot of higher level tests specify "the best" answer, but those are all terrible.
I like answer A. I try not to confirm stuff all the time
Another garbage question!
Wft is going on with these tests. Scam city!
This isn't the question being asked, but:
How can regret be inaccessible? I'd buy "didn't regret" or "wouldn't regret" or even "shouldn't regret", but "couldn't regret" is pretty weird without additional context. Like, if she were a psychopath, maybe she couldn't regret an action even if she wanted to, but in most cases you aren't being forced to not regret something. It's almost always an option, no?
I think most of these seem a little off.
Why are people saying B is okay? You can't regret a fact.
A B and E. none are particularly good fits but all work.
If you were to chose "(E) prove" you would remove "the fact" from the final sentence. This is the same reason why "(A) confirm" is incorrect.
A, B and E are all grammatically correct
This question itself has a fundamental flaw. While answers A, B, E would make grammatical sense, it wouldnât do much to deliver a meaningful statement.
None of these really work, and even the ones that do don't sound natural. These would work better without 'the fact' in the sentence, and the sentence would be the same. If you are going to call attention specifically to 'the fact', it would be more natural to use a verb like recognize, comprehend, or deny. Basically, words that deal more with how she feels about the fact, more than any actions she could do with the fact.
A and E could be used. The rest don't make sense.
In my opinion, A is the correct answer. E doesn't sound like something someone would say.
It fits grammatically (as does A) but all three are sort of weird sentences. It's an unusual scenario where you would be trying to prove that your own decisions had hurt others.
C is the best answer, but there are other ways to word the sentence that I think would better convey the same idea.
(a) is the best answer.
A, B, and E would all be grammatically correct, though the sentence is awkward without context and none of the answers make much sense as presented. More natural sentences would be with "bear," "deny," or "accept".
"She couldn't regret ..." sounds to me like a clinical assessment of a psychiatrist evaluating a sociopath.
Be careful with some of the comments here, OP. A, B and C all make grammatical sense and absolutely can make logical sense in certain contexts.
You might not hear these said in casual conversation or written on the Internet often - and that is of course an important thing to keep in mind - but I can see all three of these being written in books or essays.
All of the options suck.
f) accept
Everything else is weird
I would say either A or E works best because I donât think the question makes sense with the context clues for regret.
A good person regrets bad decisions or they do not learn from them, even if they continue to carry out a decision they know is bad. You should regret that, and there is no reason a person could not regret those decisions, even if they canât turn back on those decisions. I understand if she canât show remorse for it, but thatâs entirely different from not regretting.
"opt" and "beg" are the only ones that make no sense at all. She might be unable to confirm or prove that her decision had hurt people, but stating it as a fact kind of contradicts that, because being accepted as a fact kind of implies it's been proven/confirmed already. It would make sense to say "she couldn't regret" hurting people if there was a reason for it, like her decision being for some other good reason or hating the people it had hurt, but it's a weird option to choose without further context.
A seems more like a fit to me, but all alternatives are just weird
A, B, and E all technically make proper sentences
This is a poorly written questions. A, B, and E all work, but which is "correct" depends on the emotional state of the woman in question. The question provides no context for that. It gets even more convoluted if "she" and "her" refer to different people.
What a very strange set of answers they gave you to this question. It certainly isn't "regret". The only ones that make sense to me are a and e.
A, B, and E would all work.
The amount of questions from quizzes/tests people post here that were clearly constructed by a non-English speaker baffles me. Teachers shouldnât be teaching something they clearly donât know themselves.
Yes. Both A and E work. Bad question.
This may be me channeling Microsoft Word, but I would remove "the fact" and "had" from the question. They seem to be adding nothing and making the question clunkier
A and E work, and I suppose B might be grammatically correct but just doesnât feel natural to me
Both of the following sentences make more sense than the supposed 'correct' answer.
She couldn't confirm the fact that her decision had hurt so many people.
She couldn't prove the fact that her decision had hurt so many people.
If regret was the correct word, the sentence should have been more like,
She didn't regret the fact that her decision had hurt so many people.
She couldn't bring herself to regret the fact that her decision had hurt so many people.
The person who wrote this test question needs English lessons, and the teacher who allowed it to be given to a student also needs English lessons.
E is the only one that makes sense to me
Confirm, regret, and prove all work in that blank. Each change the meaning of the sentence without being grammatically wrong or broken English. If this is a reading comprehension test, I would need to know which meaning is intended by at least one additional sentence.
Purely based on grammar and convention, when "regret" is used in the blank "the fact that" is unnecessary. I would have ruled that out as the actual answer. 
I donât like any of these options with this sentenceâŚ
Depends on the context
Iâd say prove and confirm would both work, âshe couldnât prove that her decision had hurt so many peopleâ and âshe couldnât confirm that her decision had hurt so many peopleâ could both be valid based on what she wanted to say. Both would be more common in a court room style setting, and prove would be a bit more common saying someone else (I.e. they couldnât prove the factâŚ) but I could see it from the woman as well.
A, B, and C could all work but the sentence on its own doesnât make sense with either of them unless we know the context. The answer would be informed by whatever was said before the sentence.
The sentence itself is weird. C and D are wrong, because they just donât make sense at all. A and E could be correct, but theyâd sound better without the âsoâ for a standalone sentence. B is the only one that sounds halfway natural, but itâs still stilted.
Without seeing the question, as a native speaker I would assume the answer to be A or E. Prove... is an awkward wording that doesn't really flow. What was the question?
I don't think it matters that regret is grammatically correct. Confirm and prove are also correct.
From a simple grading perspective, all 3 answers should result in getting credit for answering correctly. If you have a question that has 3 correct answers, it's a bad question. Unless it was a specific quote from something and it was just asking you to remember which word was originally there. Which it doesn't look like it is.
From a teaching standpoint it's terrible on so many levels. Native speakers would never say that, except in the rare cases that others have mentioned. But those people who use it in such a way, would likely be authors or others with further education in the English language. Not a basic English learning class.
Giving such an ambiguous question just shows laziness on the part of the teacher. They didn't bother to check their own work.
I think the word you want is refute
E makes more sense than the actual answer
None of these options are really *obviously* correct, but I love the implications of "Regret."
"Your actions hurt so many people. Don't you regret that?"
"I... Well, yeah, no, not really; fuck em, they had it coming."
All except c can work
Going on grammar alone, without context, A B and E all work and maybe D as well if you stretch. Is this question in relation to a short story not shown?
A and E are synonyms, really, in this context.
Bad form where multiple words "fit" without something else to narrow the choices.
"She couldn't regret the fact that her decision hurt so many people."
It's not the use of the word regret that is the issue, it is just that the sentence as a whole is worded awkwardly.
I would actually rewrite the sentence and use the word "remorse" (which has a similar meaning).
"She was incapable of remorse, despite the fact that her decision hurt so many people."
That just sounds better, in my opinion.
Alternately, if you wanted to use the word regret specifically:
"She was incapable of regret, despite the fact that her decision hurt so many people."
The key here is replacing "couldn't" with "incapable" (not having the ability to do something) and adding the word "despite" (to indicate that something is unusual given the circumstances).
Was there a story that's being followed? Like, did the previous questions give more context to this one?
I would've chosen A myself.
I would say a, c, d, and e work.Â
A) also works grammatically. You canât really make a determination among A), B), and E) without more context.
A, B, and E are all okay, just make no sense out of context.
It is bad writing to have a sentence such as this with a "she" and a "her" that refer to different people.
This sentence is poorly written anyway; none of the options feel natural.
The answer cannot be C or D because those are nonsense sentences.
From a test taking perspective, it cannot be A or E: they have the same meaning in this context, so there's no reason to choose one over the other. If there's only one answer they must both be wrong. This is not an answer about English, it is just an answer about multiple choice test logic. (counterpoint: given that the question itself contains a poorly written sentence, there is no guarantee the test itself is well written so this kind of ruling out might not work.)
This leaves only B.
Confirm is also a valid option
E doesnât work because you donât âprove a fact.â Facts just are, and itâs awkward to use the word âproveâ in this context.
If you wanted to use âproveâ you could rephrase it to something like âShe couldnât prove that her decision had hurt so many people.â But that also doesnât sound like a natural sentence.
C and D are the easy answers to eliminate because they donât work in any context and donât make grammatical sense.
B works a little bit but itâs weird. âShe couldnât regret the fact that her decision had hurt so many peopleâ makes it sound like she had to make a difficult decision that had negative consequences but was still the correct one to make - not a great way to phrase a language learning question, in my opinion.
A is similar to B in that it works but itâs a weird phrasing. It would work better without the word âso.â
âShe couldnât confirm that her decision had hurt peopleâ = someone made a decision with unknown and likely unintended consequences
A means she's uninformed about it. B means she wasn't able to regret it ( like if she was killed before she found out). C and D are irrelevant. E is also possible like how she tried to go out of her way, from possibly guilt, to prove that she was the cause, yet she failed to reach the conclusion that it was her action that hurt so many.
They all work except c
Very bad question. Needs a lot more context than given to know the correct answer
Honestly, without context, I can easily see A, b, or e all working. She couldnât âconfirmâ the fact works as well as âregretâ or âproveâ. Theyâre all saying different things in a grammatically valid way.
The issue is that the context of the sentence is in the second person. Essentially the narrator of the sentence is talking to somebody else while referencing âherâ. The issue is that this isnât well implied without some typical modifier like âsimplyâ or âjustâ before âcouldnâtâ.
I would imagine this question was made by pulling the sentence out of some larger text. The issue with this is that you lose the vital context which you would need to actually use a sentence like this while talking or writing. Basically the question is shit.
A makes the most sense, but really none of them fit that well.
This might be the worst written question I have ever seen. A and E are most correct, but "regret" could also make sense in a certain context.
i think accept makes the most sense
b is stupid.
a and e could be right.
the best answer would be ignore, which i think is what b was trying to elicit...
In this case you wouldn't say "prove the fact" you would just say "prove". "Prove the fact" is an awkward and redundant construction, even though everyone should understand what you mean if you said it. E g. "Can you prove that water boils at 100C?" (No need for "the fact")
All of them don't make sense but a and e are acceptable as correct
Why would you want to prove that?
A or E would work.
I'd say A and E would make sense
The answer is a) confirm.
Regret seems like the wrong option especially since that style of sentence implies that she is dead. Can't regret a decision if your not alive and very little else can prevent regret.
Prove implies that she feels that her decision messed something up and is actively trying to find the mistake she made. Funnily enough by using the word prove she has regret but hasn't found why she is regretful.
a b or e, depending on what you want to convey.
"stand" is what I would have guessed without the choicesđ¤ˇââď¸
E is a bit strange for American English, unless you reword it. âShe couldnât prove that herâŚâ would sound right. B definitely doesnât sound right, no one says âcouldnât regretâ like that. In a different sentence like âShe couldnât feel regret over how many people she hurtâ or something along those lines, then it would make sense. I would say the correct answer is A, but even then replacing âconfirmâ with a similar word like âacceptâ is how youâd hear most native speakers say it.
none of these really feel natural
A, B, and E are all correct grammatically. However, none of these really make any sense. I guess 'regret' is the closest to making sense, but it's still a clunky sentence. Also curious if the question is "pick the one that fits best" or just "pick the one that fits".
As a non native speaker, I would've written "She **didn't** [regret] the fact that her decision had hurt that many people".
A is most correct. Regret the fact is borderline because itâs technically right but sounds wrong. Prove the fact sounds very wrong. Itâs already proven if itâs a fact. This is a bad question.Â
real answer is f) accept
I'd say accept. None of the answers make a natural sounding sentence imo
OP, the option E youâre asking about can *only* make sense in a highly hypothetical situation.
That situation being where the subject (âsheâ) is asked to provide some kind of proof (ie, documentation, recordings, ect) about a decision the subject made. In this hypothetical scenario, the subject is unable to provide that proof.
However, that hypothetical scenario wouldnât be the first scenario Iâd think of.
My first thought would be that the subject (âsheâ), is unable to understand (believe/accept) that her decision hurt people.
Also, âsheâ and âherâ are referring to the same person in-sentence. âHerâ is a 3rd person singular pronoun, BUT, it is also the singular feminine possessive pronoun.
In this case, âherâ is used to describe who owns/made the decision in-sentence that hurt people.
All of that being said, these are not the most common answers Iâd think of, and it makes me think that there was a particular reading excerpt that your teacher was using .
Yes, E is the only one that sounds remotely natural to me. I would call B technically correct.
Honestly, a b or e work.
A or E are the closest to being correct.
You donât regret a fact, as a fact is not a verb itâs a noun.
I would say a) makes the most sense. e) also works. The sentence in the question doesn't actually make a lot of sense.
I gotta disagree with pretty much everyone else here. (B) is the only option youâll actually see. Breaking it down:
A) Why does she need to confirm anything? The meaning of the sentence doesnât make sense here. I disagree that, nominally, she and her refer to different people - properly, if youâre referring to a âsheâ, the other objects in the sentence should be proper to avoid confusion. I.e, âShe couldnât confirm the fact that Annaâs decision had hurt so many people.â
B) People say âI regret I did so and soâ or âI canât regret that I did so and soâ all the time. The meaning is that she is trying to justify her actions.
C) Makes no sense.
D) Also makes no sense.
E) See A. Why is she proving anything? Out of context, as all such test questions are, this is confusing and dangling. Based on simple test-taking logic, the fact that A and E work equally as well should disqualify them both.
In other words; (B) is the only phraseology you might actually see. If youâre assuming that your conversational partner is speaking correctly, there would be no reason to use âsheâ and âherâ if those phrases refer to different people. Itâs unclear. If they were different genders (âsheâ and âhisâ), itâs borderline acceptable.
Itâs a clumsy question, but English is a clumsy language.
E is the answer. B is poor grammar
She sounds like a terrible personâŚ.
For everyone who thinks these types of questions are bad, for stuff like SAT it's super common for questions to have multiple answers and you are forced to determine the best one, and usually it's reasonable which one makes more sense. I'm assuming this question is based on a passage of text which gives needed context. If not, I think the problem is just a really weird sentence structure.
I would've said A is also correct
A is correct, too.
A could work, B could work, and E could work. This is a terrible question.
B - double negative
Of these choices, A and E are the best fit, but you don't have the necessary context.
A b and e works here but none really sound right to me.
theoretically, yes. but realistically why'd she prove that her decision hurt people, she should be proving it isn't
a, b or e all make sense depending on the situation of the text
Deny, fathom, accept, beg to differ.
"Prove" makes the most sense out of options offered. Should it be part of a larger exercise I see the argument that regret is the option. For example
When elephaba chose to deny the wizard, she knew she made a choice for the greater good and she couldn't regret the fact that her decision had hurt so many people.
Maybe? Idk? Is my example shitty or is this truly just an awful question
A, B and E are valid sentences but pretty unusual and unclear ways of expressing oneself
I feel like accept, understand or fathom would all be better choices. This is probably a line from a book tho, would need more context.
I donât think b would ever naturally be said in English speaking. I think a or e out of these options make the most sense, but I agree with everyone else. âAcceptâ would be the correct answer here in real life. Thereâs really no other word (besides the synonyms mentioned in other comments) that fits this context.
Dumb test. What are we even talking about in this scenario?
If I were to put the most natural words for me in such a narrow context, it'd be "face" or "deal with" or "accept".
But depending on what you're talking about, "prove", "confirm", and could work.
"Regret" seems like it wouldn't make as much sense, because if it's given that she 'made a decision that hurt so many people, so it seems like one \*would\* regret such a decision, and even then if I wanted to communicate that she didn't regret her decision, I'd put, "She didn't/wouldn't regret the fact that her decision hurt so many people.", not that she "couldn't".
With multiple choice questions it's the "best" answer even if none of them are perfect.
Here I agree none are perfect, and b) definitely sounds strange. However the context is she did something to hurt others... thus regret is the best of several suboptimal words for the blank in this sentence. One typically regrets hurting others so that best fits this sentence even though the point is to convey that she can't regret causing hurt. Maybe she's a narcissistic sociopath, who knows.
Another tip for MCQs is to first eliminate the most ridiculous options, then when you're left with only 2 (like b and e), determine what differentiates them. In this case, it's context.
In an ideal scenario you would "Stop, think and predict." Which means you read the question stem. Stop before you read the options. Think about and predict what the best option might look like. Then look at the options and pick the one that's closest to what you came up with. It might not work in the example above but it works for most MCQs and results in you not getting caught up with "distractor" options.
Note: English is my primary language (been speaking it more than 40 years now) and I have a very long career of being better than my peers at multiple choice questions thankfully. I was #1 at my top tier Canadian university for my undergraduate degree so I am not speaking without valid basis.
Oddly enough, "beg" technically also works if you use the meaning "to evade". I wouldn't expect to see any of these used in contemporary English.
Itâs a weird sentence, but not uncommon in English fiction, especially fantasy. A makes the most sense in that context but e technically works too, it just wouldnât ever be used.
They donât refer to different people, that would be too confusing a sentence. If that were the case youâd refer to one person by name and the other by pronoun, to make it more clear. She and her used like this in one sentence will usually be about one person.
As a native English speaker, I could make a case for a, b, e, and maybe d⌠but none really make sense.
Maybe⌠âacceptâ or âunderstandâ ??
Dude these questions are all dumb as hell. English is hard enough, and theyâre giving you these stupid sentences to work with.
Just confirming, it's a badly written question and none of the answer choices are really very good.
Everything here is weird. "Regret" is the only option in which there is a context you could invent that makes sense, but this sentence sounds very unnatural with no other context.
"Prove" (and also "confirm") don't technically work. You would prove or confirm something to determine whether it is a fact. If it's already a fact, it's doesn't need to proven or confirmed. It's redundant. It's incorrect, like saying something is "very unique."
These are all odd and unnatural.
A, b, and e work grammatically but make zero sense without context
If it's a fact, then she could prove it. That's why regret is the right answer, but it's a weird sentence.
All the options sound weird. That being said, one doesn't need to prove a fact. It is a fact.
Fire whatever teacher wrote that question bro
imo the only real answer is A. E does make sense grammatically but begs the question why she is the one trying to "prove" her decision hurt people. That word is usually used when trying to determine liability and responsibility, not usually something you are actively trying to do against yourself (even when investigating yourself you're usually starting from the premise that you're innocent, which makes "couldn't" a strange choice - like she already knew her actions hurt people and investigated herself anyway but couldn't prove it - something that COULD happen but isn't a very realistic scenario).
Regret works I guess too? Makes her sound like a bitch though.
I think technically, because the sentence has the word "fact" in it, there would be no need to prove anything.
As a native speaker, none of these feel very good as a solution. My instinct is "accept," but that isn't here for some reason.
OP, can you post more of the questions? This sentence is so strange, and I want to see if there's any more you might not realize are unhinged. The sentence here would mean she cannot care that she hurt people. The one that most makes sense to say this way is confirm, because you would never prove your guilt. But maybe you can't confirm it's your fault.
I would have wrote my own answere as a short answere rather than multiple choice
I honestly would say the best word to put here would be âbearâ as in carry the weight of a decision, itâs what makes most sense to me at least yet it isnât an option? Maybe Deny? This question just isnât good overall.
âOptâ and âbegâ are the only two that wouldnât make sense, regardless. More context is neededâŚ
Confirm also makes sense here?
Was this part of a reading comprehension section? That's the only way this answer makes sense...
Confirm and prove make sense grammatically, but idk who would phrase it like that.
a makes the most sense to me here. But itâs still not a great choice.
On its own itâs a weird sentence and question, but isnât this a question following a given text? Reading comprehension. Then based on the text, you would know which choice to pick.
a, b, and e, are all grammatically correct and sensible to the same degree.
It really depends on the context of the sentence and further thinking process.
You could use confirm, regret and prove in this sentence and it would still make sense.
a) can be the correct one as well
E is the only correct option, B makes no sense
What the fuck does this even mean
in my opinion no.
using either 'a' or 'e' makes 'the fact' unnecessary.
she couldn't prove that her decis.....
she couldn't confirm that her decis....
regret is the one that works
From the available options, I think a,b, and e would fit the sentence.
confirm, regret or prove all make functional sense with correct grammar
A and E flow the most naturally. B works I guess, but it feels odd to me as a native speaker.
However these each mean different things, so if there was more context maybe B is a clearer correct choice?
This is a stupid question
Bear, accept, deny, comprehend. So much answers and yet...
Yes. It would fit. It's clunky, though
The only one that even hallway makes sense is **a) confirm**.
Native English speaker here, and I have no idea what the answer would be.
It wouldn't be "beg" or "opt" just because they sound so alien, but the others could all make sense in some context.
Is this test for grammar or for reading comprehension? It seems like it is referencing something that you would have to read first.
Probably "prove" but definitely a weird, dumb question.
literally a, b, and e would be corrrect.
Native English speaker. This is a ridiculous sentence, and none of the answer options are good.
A and E make the most sense to me as an English speaker
anything other than c or d makes sense
I would have chosen A. -native speaker
If E could be correct then A could be correct. Bad question.
This is a bad question ⌠without context, I would choose A âŚ
It seems like this may be related to a story?
I can see regret working if this is asking questions from a book read
All of these look wrong
none of these really work. the answer should be something like âcomprehend â
Bad question but the way I'd figure it out as a native speaker is prove and confirm mean the same thing here so if you can only select one then it's neither of those most likely
None of those answers work.
I would have thought âbelieveâ would work best
To form a coherent sentence, all but b and c work. You'd need more context to know which word to use, depending on what the sentence is trying to say.
The correct answer to this question is either "accept" or "deny" depending on context. I have no idea what these other answers are trying to say. This is a terribly-written question
a, b, and e would all make some sense here but it's a badly written question
I personally think prove fits here better than regret. No one would ever say "regret" in this way imo. "She couldn't regret the fact that" sounds so awkward.
I'd bring your case to your teacher.
when people who arenât even fluent in English still teach and test people on their skills in said languageâŚ
A would also work. Arguably so would D. My assumption is they wanted you to use context clues to infer that the word would have something to do with sadness, but would confuse the hell out of me if the prompt didn't directly address it.
I would talk to the teacher about this. It's clear that at least 3/5 of the answers are technically correct.
Edit: after reading further I see where a lot of the confusion lies. Syntactically the 3 are correct, but only "regret" literally makes sense. Unfortunately that's the struggle with English.
When I say "literally makes sense," for example, "prove the fact" is an oxymoron because "the fact" is the object, implying that it is, without question, a fact. In this case, and only in this case, there is one answer: regret.
A,B, and E work. People are saying they sound weird. But thats only out of context. Use your imagination and those 3 can easily work in a courtroom type setting.
the most natural option is A - she couldn't confirm the fact. They all don't sound great though. E works, but I don't think regret works here at all. No one says they couldn't regret something.
If something is already a fact there is nothing to prove. In linguistics this is called factive / non-factive implication
If it's regret then " couldn't " doesn't make sense no matter how many times I say it. I honestly think it should be, " didn't. "
That question sucks đ
The correct answer is b( regret) because
This makes sense because "regret " fits contextually, as it reflects an emotional response to her decision
Confirm makes more sense lol
E would be the most correct. The others feel out of place.