Community Discussions
Can "visiting" be used here instead of "having visited"?
What English sounds do you struggle with?
Hi! I will be teaching my first English class to adult immigrants starting next week, and I'm planning on including some minimal pairs work to help familiarize my students with challenging English phonemes. If you are an English learner, I'd love to know: \- What English sounds do you have the hardest time saying/recognizing? Are there any words in particular that give you a lot of trouble? \- What is your native language? \- What was most helpful to you when you were a beginner? \- Any other things that you'd want a teacher to know so they could give you a great experience! Thanks in advance for the help!
What is this tool?
How do you say this in English? A tool used to tighten the nut of a kitchen faucet.
To teach or not to teach?
Hello everyone. I have been learning English for several months. It is going slowly, but I continue to work on myself. The only thing that demotivates me is AI. All they say is that AI will soon replace people, that learning a language is no longer necessary, that Elon Musk will soon introduce implants, etc. Share your opinion, to learn or not to learn English for work, for study.... or is it already useless. Thank you.
What's the best way to learn English?
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I'm wondering the subtle difference between possible and probable in this statement.
This is a news piece narrating the set of situations that facilitated the reprehensible attack on the new year killing 14 individuals. A security firm had warned about vulnerability of the street to such an attack to authorities. They didn't get seriousness of this information until now and they're bracing for approaching super bowl celebration. The circled line is part of their statement, what is the difference between *possible* and *probable* in this line. What is being put across through this line? Could someone please explain? If possible bring the mistakes to my notice if there are any in this post in your comments. Thanks as always!
Can I I say "today is holiday " the days I dont need to go to work And am off?
Which app is used to communicate with friends in US
If i make a friend in US, which app would we use to communicate online? Facebook, ins or snapchat?
What is " "?
People write it with no words in it.
Does my English make sence?
So I made english descriptions of the Japanese new year food Osechi for my job. Can anyone tell me if its okey? Thanks! Blackbeans are one of the New Year's special food Osechi. It means "to bring good luck", "for good health" and "a charm against evil spirits". かまぼこ is one of the New Year's special food Osechi. Because boiled fish paste looks like sunrise, it's a simbol of new start. Also red and white color mean "good fortune" and "holiness". お雑煮 is one of the New Year's special food Osechi. Because boiled fish paste looks like sunrise, it's a simbol of new start. Also red and white color mean "good fortune" and "holiness". 伊達巻 is made of egg and fish cake. Because it looks ornate, they say it will gain your knowlede. Also they say it will bring "flourishing posterity" and "academic achivement". なます is dish of raw fish and vegetables seasoned in vinegar, and one of the standard Osechi food. We mostly use carrot and japanese radish, color of red and white. In japan, red and white are good luck color. Chikuzsen is the old name of a province from Fukuoka. 筑前煮 is local dish from Chikuzen and one of the Osechi. It means "to bring the family togather, live long and thrive". 昆布巻き is one of the Osechi. In Japanese, konbu can read like "喜ぶ"(yorokobu), which mean "happiness". So this dish is for celebration of new year. 数の子 is one of the Osechi. Since herrings have a lot of roes, It is believed that eating herring roe will be blessed with many children.