Community Discussions

How can I differentiate "won" and "one" when I speak?
I want to say "the prize we sought is won", but it sounds like "the prize we sought is one". How can I make me more understandable? I have tried many times but I don't seem to be able to differentiate "won" from "one".
Native English speakers, how do you feel about the Russian accent, does it sound pleasant, do you like it, does it infuriate you?
Which one do you prefer: “anticlockwise” or “counterclockwise”?

What's wrong here? Shouldn't they be equivalent?
How common is it to say/write "I'da"?
Hello, I was recently playing a video game and one of the characters said "You know, I'da waited, but...". I had never heard anyone say "I'da" before, so I'd like to know how common is it to use it in casual conversations. Is it something we'd rather say and not write while texting someone?

My teacher insists that the answer is 5, but I think it’s 3. (Question 63)

What are these 2 called? Specifically the areas highlighted in yellow
Also why do some streets have them (the yellow areas) and some only have the drain? (Although this one isn’t really about English so sorry)
Are the words "won" and "one" pronounced the same?
Are they pronounced differently? cause every time I listen they sound the same.
How do you pronounce 20
How do you pronounce " twenty "? Ive seen a post in the internet and one guy said that he pronounce it like "twenny" so because of that I'm confused now and I don't know how to say it more correctly ( twenty, twendy, twenny, etc.)

What do you all get from this? How do you interpret “half?”