Community Discussions
Not sure what this means in a certain context
Hi everyone, I have another vocabulary question. Astronautics owes much to the \_\_\_ contributions of Charles E. Whitsett. His ground-brekaing development of the manned maneuvering unit enabled the first spacewalks in which astronauts were not tethered to a spacecraft. A. Dubious B. futile c. galvanizing d. avant-garde How is the answer avant-garde? I got the answer through process of elimination, but is there a better way to get it? Thank you so much!
When talking about South Florida, do people generally abbreviate it to SF or do they say write it out fully? I think it'd get mistaken for San Francisco but I'm not sure
What does noggin mean
I just want to know what noggin is so I hope evryone would respectfully answered my question.
What does it mean lurky and how can I use it?
I've seen lately this word way too much in several context, for instance someone calling to someone else "you are so lurky man". Can you help me to figure it out please.
Does this sentence make sense?
Does this sentence make sense? "If you need to muse I'm the moonlight." It's for a song lyric so the meaning behind is more poetic language i suppose, but considering English is not my first language I'd ask people who does.
“He’s been a student for going on five years.” Is this sentence correct? Can “going on five years” mean almost five years?

How is pronounced : Wagon or Vagon?
Do these sound natural?
1”I don’t know what you are trash-talking/shit-talking!” 2”I don’t know what you are talking trash about!” 3” I don’t know what you are bullshitting!” Is “about” necessary at the end?
need not go
Does the following work? He told Sarah that she **need not go** there.
I learned about Columbus and I was asked to write whether he was a villain or hero?
I learned about Columbus and I was asked to write whether he was a villain or hero? tell me your comment