
Community Discussions

Does “going” mean “available” here? Is this a common expression?

Does “going” mean “available” here? Is this a common expression?


•Last comment 8 days ago

How to lower using pronoun "I" in speech?

It seems to me that in speech I very often use pronoun "I". If I want to say something about myself, I always use it, because if I try to love put it, sentences is starting to look not so good. For example "I like this music" looks better than "like this music". If I try to express my opinion "I think.." looks better for me than "think..." and I can't see any alternative expect "In my opinion...", but it looks so oficial. In the result in dialog if not in each, then through the sentence I use "I". May be I stress out overly much? Have any construction to lower use of this pronoun? Can make example in this text? ( used this pronoun seven times without citation in nine sentences including this)

•Last comment 8 days ago

Should I actually not put subtitles when I watch something?

I’ve seen so many english teacher online says about subtitles being not helpful when it comes to learning english in general. but for me I still find it difficult to understand everything what they say without subs. so I was wondering if i should stick with watching movies or youtube without subs even tho I don’t know whats happening in it or you think subs still have benefits in terms of listening comprehension

•Last comment 10 days ago

Common names of over-the-counter drugs

So I talked to some people and whenever I mentioned “acetaminophen” and “paracetamol”, usually they’ll say something like “what are you talking about?”. I thought these were common drugs and a quick google search said yeah. Are these terms not used? If so, what are commonly used names of OTC drugs?

•Last comment 13 days ago

Is "to haze someone" cruel or friendly?

If you haze someone, is it for fun of both of you, or is it cruel and just to make fun of them?

•Last comment 18 days ago
Pausing is crucial

Pausing is crucial


•Last comment 20 days ago
Is using the "s" for the first person ("I calls" and "I sees") some kind of dialect ?

Is using the "s" for the first person ("I calls" and "I sees") some kind of dialect ?


•Last comment about 1 month ago

"I've been reading until you came" vs "i read until you've been coming"

Someone stops you while you were reading to ask you which book you've been into and then you reply: a) This one (pointing at the book itself) i've been reading until you came. b) This one (wiggling the book about) i read until you've been coming. Questions: Are there any subtle difference between these two options? I know "read" (past simple) naunces more the action now gone but this might as well have a more stress on why the action ended. Like being mad because of someone coming and crossing words. Do you agree?

•Last comment about 1 month ago

Is it true that the word "too" is used to express an excess of something negative?

I came accross a YT video where the presenter said that the word "too" is used to express an excess of something negative, and the use of the word before "good" is wrong, for example - "This place is *too* crowded". We use the sentence - "Too good to be true" very commonly, but then it implies something negative, so this very likely might be true. I am not a native speaker.

•Last comment about 2 months ago
If it hadn't been for her (grammatically correct) why did you use "if it wasn't for her"? is this how native english speakers say it?

If it hadn't been for her (grammatically correct) why did you use "if it wasn't for her"? is this how native english speakers say it?


•Last comment 2 months ago
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