Community Discussions
What's the difference between utters and mutters?
For example "He utters" and "He mutters" , is there any difference between the two words
Plural of fiber
Hi guys! I was reading a table about constituents of grain seeds and a column name says "Fibres"; inmediately, my brain sent me a message that there was a mistake, but there is no mistake. Just realized the term fiber has two slightly speelling differences according to the country in the context of nutrition Word in USA : Fiber Plural: fibers Word in UK: Fibre Plural: fibres Is it the same with the other context ? because also a fiber is "a thread or filament from which a vegetable tissue, mineral substance, or textile is formed", in this case would be the same as the first case to form the plural?
from or since?
Which of the following boldfaced words works? She’s played tennis **from/since** a very early age.
Want to start speaking English fluently and write using high vocab. Any help regarding this!
Same as the title. I sometimes stutter or become very nervous when speaking in English. Additionally, there are many things I wish to write and express, but I lack the refined vocabulary, as English is my second language.
Which word fits better in this sentence?
You can find your\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ in a certain field, and also learn from other people of the same field to improve. Which fits in better, strength or talent. Just finish my exam and came across this sentences and I am currently pondering about it.
What is different?
Should I send the gift to her Shall I send the gift to her Is the second use more popular in Britain, or does it sound polite?
Could you check my sentence?
When I was young, I learned many instruments, piano, violin, cello etc... wind, traditional Korean instrument and percussion. However, I have never played eletronic instrument. I even have perfect pitch! Currently, I'm work in a field unrelated to music, but I have a interest in learning the electric guitar for a hobby. I hope to give it a try if the oppertunity comes.
Can someone check if my writing is correct?
Can you share an experience where you helped someone in a significant way? I work in rescue people’s lives When My first time to work, I saw grandfather fallen into the sea. He couldn’t get out of the sea, because he was drunk. At that time, I rescued him to swimming. It was my precious and valuable experience.
Where do I sound like I’m from? (I don’t want to reveal much anyway,but Yes I’m from a native speaking country not gonna specify)
What accent do I have?
I think it's kinda obvious but I still wanna know