Community Discussions
What is the difference between "vote" and "ballot"?
"The committee decided to hold a secret ***ballot*** to ensure that all members could vote without fear of judgment or pressure." When I read this sentence, I thought "vote" would sound more natural than "ballot" because a ballot is a method or device used for casting a vote, and a vote is the actual act of voting. Can someone explain what the difference is ?
with which to make
Does the following work? The device filters the water **with which to make** the soup.
“The interest rate on/of/for my savings account is 3 %.” Which preposition is correct? Thanks.
What does "suggest" mean here?
*His own party leader is* ***suggesting*** *that he's been ousted.* Does this mean the leader stated that he's been ousted?
Is “whisper off” a noun here? Does it mean the same as whisper?
How don you say it?
It's new year, how a native would say this: "Hope you are having a great start of the year?" Or "Hope you are having a great beggining of the year?" Or there are other idioms to express it???
I thought that "peoples"(non possessive) wasn't a word!?
In the first 30s of this video you can hear the word "peoples" being used. My question is, is this a common/correct use? Video link:
Can we say “put someone on notice about something”? I only saw the structure of “put someone on notice that+clause”.
difference between “find ” and “fibd out”
i found nothing in my fridge or i found out that there’s nothing in my fridge.
How to say football jersey with player name?
I bought a jersey Enzo Frenandez What is correct a jersey featuring Enzo? a jersey with Enzo’s name on it?