Community Discussions
Do you lose your identity when you change your accent?
Some people argue that ESL speakers shouldn’t change their pronunciation because their accent is part of their identity. For people who have worked on changing your pronunciation patterns, do you feel like this effort erased your identity?

Mind the difference
What is the best platform to learn English?
Hi everyone! I’m a university student (M 21) currently stundyng hospitality management. I can speak understand English and speak but I’m not fluent, and I sometimes I don’t understand the slang. I want and I have to I mprove my English skills otherwise it will be very hard to improve my career. I’m available to pay for a service, but what’s the best? I was thinking about cambly o something similar. Do u have any advice? Thank u so much!!
"The way the tracks have been laid, people can go anywhere in 15 minutes by the trains " does it sound correct
"he's a perfect fit for you" or "he's the perfect fit for you"?
I don't understand what to use, bacause one might say that there's only one perfect fit for every person, so then it should be "the perfect fit", 'cause he's the only one, but another might say that several people could fit you perfectly, so it should be "a perfect fit", since it's one of "the perfect fits".
How do you translate idioms?
I've repeatedly run into this issue that I have an expression in mind, but have a hard time figuring out whether it's used internationally and if not, what could be used instead? Translator apps usually translate word by word, so they aren't very helpful. Do you have any tips or tricks? I'm really struggling with this.
"Put out fire" what is it exactly mean
'Have you received it?' or 'Did you receive it?'
Situation: Someone sent me an email and now is inquiring whether I received it. Which one is correct for them to ask: 'Have you received it?' or 'Did you receive it?' For me, the first one seems better, but I've heard the second one many times.

We can say “put on speed”? Can we also say “put on the gas” to mean “drive fast”? I saw “put the brakes on” which means “apply the brakes of a vehicle”.
Which app is used to communicate with friends in US
If i make a friend in US, which app would we use to communicate online? Facebook, ins or snapchat?