Community Discussions
Judge my accent please
Is my Brazilian accent hard to understand when I read?
The context is some people are building a spaghetti tower. I heard they saying “we haven’t cranked 90 degrees yet.” Does “crank” make sense here? Perhaps it misheard it. Thanks.
Difference between verbs
Hi there, I study political and economic English. I often come across those different verbs but I don’t know the exact difference. To stymie To hobble To hamper To hinder To impede Could you tell me about it and provide examples ? Thank you !
Which word fits better in this sentence?
You can find your\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ in a certain field, and also learn from other people of the same field to improve. Which fits in better, strength or talent. Just finish my exam and came across this sentences and I am currently pondering about it.
“Take the next left, cut over to the highway.” What does “cut over” exactly mean?
Where do I sound like I’m from? (I don’t want to reveal much anyway,but Yes I’m from a native speaking country not gonna specify)
What accent do I have?
I think it's kinda obvious but I still wanna know
⭐️ "What's this thing?" ⭐️
* What's the name of the long side of a book? >!(a spine)!< * What's the name of that tiny red joystick some laptops have on their keyboard? >!(nub⚠️)!< * If a hamburger is made from cow, then what is a pork burger called? >!(a pork burger)!< # Welcome to our daily 'What do you call this thing?' thread! We see many threads each day that ask people to identify certain items. Please feel free to use this thread as a way to post photos of items or objects that you don't know. # ⚠️ RULES 🔴 **Please do not post NSFW pictures, and refrain from NSFW responses.** Baiting for NSFW or inappropriate responses is heavily discouraged. 🟠 **Report NSFW content.** The more reports, the higher it will move up in visibility to the mod team. 🟡 **We encourage dialects and accents.** But please be respectful of each other and understand that *geography, accents, dialects, and other influences can bring different responses.* 🟢 **However,** ***intentionally*** **misleading information is still forbidden.** 🔵 **If you disagree - downvote.** If you agree, upvote. Do not get into slap fights in the comments. 🟣 **More than one answer can be correct at the same time!** For example, a can of Pepsi can be called: Coke, cola, soda, soda pop, pop, and more, depending on the region.
How much does she sound like a native British speaker?
[]( Does she have an accent?